Words on acting. I was watching one of my favorite shows. Sam Jones interviews actors, directors, musicians and others on his show. Recently he conducted an outstanding interview of Sarah Paulson. It was an amazing piece as Sam Jones interviews usually are. He is able to delve into the core and heart of the artist. Immediately afterwards I searched out a quote Paulson was struck by. She referenced a letter from Martha Graham to Agnes DeMille. I quickly turned to my computer and found the full text (which is set out below). It is speaking about the process, but more the power of acting. My experience working with actors is that they are incredibly talented usually sensitive people that have a certain something. I set out the letter in full text.

A Letter to Agnes DeMille : Martha Graham

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening
that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time,
this expression is unique.
If you block it,
it will never exist through any other medium
and be lost.
The world will not have it.
It is not your business to determine how good it is;
nor how valuable it is;
nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly,
to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.
You have to keep open and aware directly
of the urges that motivate you.
Keep the channel open.
No artist is pleased.
There is no satisfaction whatever at any time.
There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction;
a blessed unrest that keeps us marching
and makes us more alive than the others.

I couldn’t agree more. we often speak of acting “stars”, but the above shows the Art in it. Go see some movies, theater, or improv and you’ll see how blessed we all are to witness these artistic miracles. I’m blessed to play even the smallest role in this fantastic community. Peace and blessed be all the art that is being made.