Rainier beauty, knowledge, and fun. I had an amazing time at the Rainier Independent Film Festival at the base of amazing Mount Rainier. Saw wonderful films and found a festival that was intimate and motivated by films with integrity and social consciousness. I was honored that they included our team’s short film LOVERS. I was also humbled that many of my friends and family from nearby Seattle attended. Everyone who helped at the fest was great. Win Whittaker and Sarah Whittaker and their crew were so welcoming; I’m anxious to return and see their choices in future years. The classic Cine-Yurt where our film showed absolutely rocked. I’ll not even do it justice if I described it.

Speaking of justice. I’d say that would be a word that fit this festival. Most all the films (shorts and features–narratives and documentaries) dealt with issues that were relevant and dealt with socially relevant issues. Still, the films were cinematic visions. I’m going to say that while all the films were awesome, Little Pink House really stood out as a big time winner. I expect this film directed by Courtney Moorehead Balaker to make some noise and shake up lawmakers at the state and federal level. Check out the film’s website. I never thought I’d be as disgusted at eminent domain law, or at least how our government uses it.

A final shout out to emcee, host, lecturer, and comedian Warren Etheredge. His words on “Storyfinding” (Registered Trademark by Warren) were intuitive and insightful. He was an amazing part of an amazing fest. My advise watch for Little Pink House and anything tied into Warren Etheredge follow it.

On a personal note, my goal to have some personal downtime after the fest with Carla fell apart as I caught a virus. But, I’m back and working, and very grateful I was at RIFF.