In this time of sun and light let us locate some spiritual quotes literally or figuratively linked to the sun:

“As you watch the sun set in all its crimson glory,
know that at that exact moment,
in some far distant land,
on that different horizon,
the sun is just rising to bring them a new day full of opportunity.”

When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: “only stand out of my light.”
Perhaps some day we will know how to heighten creativity. Until then, one of the best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand out of their light.
~~John W. Gardner

“When situated correctly in the sunlight,
any man will cast a long shadow.
Yet, walking in darkness,
the tallest man casts no shadow at all.”

“Imagine the earth devoid of human life, inhabited only by plants and animals.
Would it still have a past and a future?  Could we speak of time in any meaningful way?
The question “What time is it?” or “What’s the date today?”–if anybody were there to ask it–
would be quite meaningless. The oak tree or the eagle would be bemused by such a question.
“What time?” they would ask. “Well, of course its now. The time is now. What else is there?”
~~Eckhart Tolle

“Loving perfection can be selfish and shallow,
but perfecting the art of loving is always noble.”

I hope you stay in the sunlight of the spirit this day.