It is not March yet! February is a brutal month for weather in some states. March is closer to Spring. But, someone might have known we would need March soon, because February only has 28 days (29 when leap year shows up). Some quotes to pass the time until March.

“Father, we thank thee for the night
And for the pleasant morning light,
For rest and food and loving care,
And all that makes the world so fair.
Help us do the things we should.
To be to others kind and good,
In all we do, In all we say,
To grow more loving every day.”
~~(A Child’s Prayer)

“Life is an ever rolling wheel
And every day is the right one.
He who recites poems at his death
Adds frost to snow.”
~~Mumon Gensen

“It is the first mild day of March: Each moment sweeter than before,
The redbreast sings from the tall larch
That stands beside our door.
There is a blessing in the air, which seems a sense of joy to yield
To the bare trees, and mountains bare; and grass in the green field.”
~~William Wordsworth

“Dying without fear takes a great deal of trust,
a trust that can help us live with more faith,
if we understand our need to control.
Death teaches us the power of letting be, of noninterference and surrender.
The process of dying is completely natural.”
~~Rodney Smith
(Lessons from the Dying)

“I believe that:
1. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
2. Reincarnation into other corporal life forms occurs under Karmic rules.
Therefore, a whole lot of politicians are coming back as sea slugs in the next life.”

“Snow floats down silently from an evening sky.
Small white drifts accumulate, and a blue crescent moon peaks out.
A single star shines as sentinel and guide.”

It will be March soon enough.