In the dark of winter we feel a kind of death. Be not afraid.

~~Man controls the trees by axe, hatchet, and saw.
Yet, if man fails to replant new seedlings the forest dies.
Without trees man has neither fire nor shelter.
Then the man dies.
Exactly as it should be.”

“I’m not a teacher; only a fellow traveler of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead–ahead of myself as well as you.”
~~George Bernard Shaw

“Not all of me shall die. For Death, though he should still my beating heart. Takes but a fragment with my breath, and leaves untouched the greater part.”

“In a sense, every day is Judgement Day, and we, through our deeds and words, our silence and speech, are constantly writing in the book of life.”
~~Martin Luther King Jr

“Mountains stand as sentinels over a man.
They remain long after the man has passed on.
And, the mountains will know the good and evil each man has wrought.
For they see all without bias.”

“To see the Earth as we now see it, small and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the Earth together, brothers in that bright loveliness in the unending night–brothers who see they are truly brothers.”
~~Archibald MacLeish
(Referring to the photographs taken during the Apollo mission, showing the Earth from beyond the Moon)

“There is a place between sunlight and shadow; between light and dark. Physically, when it is cold and we walk from the shadows into the sunlight our body feels better. The same is true when it is hot and we move into the shade. In the moments, however infrequent and fleeting, when I am comfortable and at peace with everything I am unobstructed. I believe that in that instant I do exist between the dark and the light and between hot and cold. I am that thin line between Yin and Yang. I simply AM, without worrying about WHAT I am.”